Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Family Camp - Family Olympics

Family Camp would never be complete with out Family Olympics, so, here I am to report on the happenings of Family Olympics. Here are pictures (lots of 'em):

Race #1: "The three-legged race" - I absolutely love the three-legged race. On this one, we only got finalists, but, hey, at least we got that far. :)

Anna & Maria - so utterly cute together

I love it!

Race #2: "The run-and-spin-with-your-head-on-the-bat-til'-you-can-no-longer-think race" - Whew! This relay race, you have to run, take the yellow bat that lays there on the ground, then, spin on it for five times, then run back without falling over from dizziness and without running into someone else, and touch your team mate's hand. We placed 3rd in this race. That's probably the best we've ever gotten...

Moms really know how to do this race!

Race #3 - "The hold-the-ball-between-two-backs race" - We only got to finalists in this race, but that's fine with me. It was a neat race where we placed a ball in between two people, and one person dragged the other person, while trying to keep the ball in place. This race was pretty tough, and near the end, we didn't do so well, but, oh well! :)

Two little lassies, together again!

The two rather competitive people on the team - what a disaster putting them together! JK...

And here, are just pictures of random people:

Mrs. D.


I love that sweet smile...

Looking very determined... kinda

Daniel and Jenna

Isaac - a photographer


Amy B.


Our Team (at least part of it, and none of them looking)

David -yet another photographer

We had an absolutely wonderful Family Olympics this year, and I hope we have another great one next year!

Also, we'll make a couple more posts about Family Camp.

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